teCGDC Palatino Nouveau II ersion 1.0 3 4 9 1 - 1 Palatino Copyright 1992-93 V ision s Edge, Inc. *Portions copyright 1987-1992 Quark, Inc. All Rights Reserved. License Agr eement package (the 8ogram ), and licenses its use on the terms stated below: e m a i n s with V ision s Edge, Inc.; which the Pr 0ogram is designed to operate, except that the Pr ogram may be used only on one computer at any one time; copy the Pr ogram into machine-r :eadable form for backup purposes in support of your use of the Pr ogram. (Any portion of this Pr ogram mer ,ged into or used in conjunction with another conditions of this agr eement.); other person; )>9This license terminates if you fail to comply with any pr ovision of this Agr L eement. Y ou agr g e d portions in any form. Macintosh is a r egister ed trademark of Apple Computer , Inc. Disclaimer g,Quark, Inc. makes no warranties, either expr essed or implied, r ding the enclosed comput er softwar e package, its mer chantability B, or its fitness for any particular purpose. Quark, Inc. disclaims Sall warranties including, but not limited to, the warranties of the distributors, r etailers and developers of the enclosed softwar e c t , enclosed softwar 1actually paid for the use of the enclosed softwar lar developers. Nouveau II Palatino oduction e s s s t a n d a r =section, and automatically setting a number of pages to be cr eated at the cr eation of the document. Minimum System Requir ements #Nouveau II is designed for QuarkXPr ess 3.1. Nouveau II is network pr +otected and is fully compatible with floppy , RAM, or har d disks. o c e d u r gbasic use of the mouse, clicking, pulling down menus, copying files, and copying disks. If any of these ocedur es ar e new to you, please r efer to your Macintosh user s manual. Installing Nouveau II f%The Nouveau II disk that you have pur chased contains the file Nouveau II o install Nouveau 9done, place the original Nouveau II disk in a safe place. The Nouveau II Dialog QuarkXPr 0ess New document dialog, the enhanced Nouveau II dialog appears. The Nouveau II dialog and Section contr Nouveau II Palatino The Settings Menu e f e r e f e r automatically to the pr ences which wer e saved. A sample Nouveau popup menu BAny time the Nouveau II dialog is open, items may be added to the Settings menu. T o save the T h e saved pr ences ar *e now available for all further documents. The Name Settings dialog e f e r ences for that setting. The Update "button is not available when the Last Document setting is select ed in the popup menu. emove an item fr om the Settings 4menu, select the item to be changed, then click the Delete menu. Page Size Contr The Page Size contr l9ols, found at the upper left of the Nouveau II dialog, ar e very similar to the Nouveau II Palatino Y!The Nouveau II Page Size controls fthe Page Setup dialog. Use them to quickly set the page s orientation. For instance, using the example pictur ed above, if the landscape contr Q&ol is clicked, the value in the Page W idth field changes to 1 1" and 4the value in the Page Height field changes to 8.5". Section Contr user to r 2enumber the pages in a document. The Section contr ols in the Nouveau II dialog ar e found at Ithe lower right of the dialog, and they look very similar to the QuarkXPr ess Section dialog. The Section Controls d e s i r e f i x "becomes part of each page s number fvalue in the Start field. The default is 1, but any combination of numbers is acceptable. Remember: no matter what format is chosen fr om the Format popup menu below &, the value in the Start field must be an arabic number; the pr 5&ogram will convert it to a letter or r oman numeral if desir mat fr om the five available in the Format 0popup menu. The available page number formats ar Nouveau II Palatino Using the Pages Field 8how many pages long the document should be when it is cr eated. Notes asterisk e f e r Nouveau II to pr X1ovide identical menu selections for both systems. Nouveau II 6CH12 5=*E* 6CH12 5=*E* AutoXTract Docum temp.0001 Color Usage Documentation.dp ColorChange Documentation.dp Touch Flier.dpessor2.4 Julie RobertsC Vision s Edge, Inc.: QuarkXPress Palatino """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff """""" DDDDDD 333333 UUUUUU 3333ff wwwwww ff3333 33ff33 ff33ff 33ffff ffff33 ffffff rPREC ~PRVS &clut